I don't know what it is with me... but after riding for a day, when I get up the next morning I have an urge to write - to put some of the sights, sounds and experiences to paper (Not really paper! I haven't written more than a To Do List on paper in a long time!!) Yesterday I covered a lot of miles, saw some rain and a little bit of sunshine - only stopping to fill the bike three times, and my belly once. You see I had a deadline of sorts. My host had invited me to an "open supper" at Serenity Steps. As I found out later, Serenity Steps is a Drop In Centre and Peer Support Network for folk living with mental illness. Over a meal of tuna rolls, macaroni salad and chicken noodle soup I got to meet some of the clients that my host Lynn had worked with. Funded minimally by the state, Serenity Steps reaches out to a clientele in the Berlin area - many of whom would not access traditional mental health services. I shared dinner with Lynn and Ellen and another