(Day 66) On arriving home... 18,647 KM later!
We awoke to blue skies this morning and what appeared to be frost on the windshields of the bikes... may not have been but it felt cool enough! After loading the bikes we made our way to the Breakfast Room in the Comfort Inn and chowed down on their sausage and egg muffins and some yogurt and juice and coffee - enough to see us home! In the midst of eating Al proposed a toast: to our last meal together. It was meant to be jovial - but brought about a tone of solemnity for me. The journey was coming to an end. This time with Al was coming to an end. My sabbath was nearing its end - less then four weeks and I was back to work... Filling the gas tank for the second last time of the trip took on new meaning... passing through the traffic lights held deeper significane. Merging onto the Interstate brought me closer to home and further away from this experience that has nurtured my soul and stirred my spirit... We took I-95 to exit 217 where we dropped onto Hwy #6 which took us