The Unexpected Gift of Flowers... of Self... of Love!
It’s going to be a short entry for a long and full day…
I spent the morning working finalizing the wedding service and the meditation. This will be the first marriage I have conducted since Anna and I have separated and I’ve begun this journey of discovery and new beginnings. I will share the wedding reflection as part of my blog after the wedding.
With the service and reflection and complete I did some personal banking, responded to some work related emails, did the dishes, packed the bike, locked up the house and headed off…
The ride to Dundalk was very pleasant – punctuated with some very humorous messages from friends back home. One in particular touched me deeply and had me laughing for quite a few miles… that happens you know, when we share of our deepest selves – we connect with others in such a significant way.
Upon arriving at the wedding venue in Dundalk, I quickly marked my space by putting up my tent – in a very strategic location: near the motorhome, far from the band stage, next to the fence, with my bike on the other side of the fence… well placed for power, out of the line of traffic and ready for a quick exit on Sunday morning.
With my tent set up I was quickly recruited to give some leadership to the setting up of the party tents. I think my help was appreciated… nobody threatened me with violence… and the tents withstood the wind of the afternoon…
Amazing things happen when we give of ourselves… unexpected gifts… even simple flowers to someone not expecting them! A connection is deepened. The receiver is reminded that they are important, that they are loved, that they are worthy and deserving of beauty and goodness in their life… so it was this evening when Joe, the owner of this beautiful property we are using brought flowers to Cindy!
Joe, as I understand it, purchased flowers from one of the roadside stands operated by a local Mennonite family. He then took the flowers home and arrange them in jars (10 of them) for Cindy to use as centerpieces on the dining tables. It was such a thoughtful gesture. Totally unexpected gift, given with no expectation of anything in return… a simple expression of love from one human beings to another. So beautiful!
It’s 7:30 here… supper is cooking on a number of different bbq’s and stoves mixing with the other scents of the evening. Children are playing in the field as people arrive and set up their tents and trailers and there is joy in the air.
I keep hearing the word ‘epic’. It’s going to be an epic wedding… and epic party… it will be epic – cause love is present and being shared… on the Sabbath Road…
I spent the morning working finalizing the wedding service and the meditation. This will be the first marriage I have conducted since Anna and I have separated and I’ve begun this journey of discovery and new beginnings. I will share the wedding reflection as part of my blog after the wedding.
A Barn.. |
The ride to Dundalk was very pleasant – punctuated with some very humorous messages from friends back home. One in particular touched me deeply and had me laughing for quite a few miles… that happens you know, when we share of our deepest selves – we connect with others in such a significant way.
My Space! |
With my tent set up I was quickly recruited to give some leadership to the setting up of the party tents. I think my help was appreciated… nobody threatened me with violence… and the tents withstood the wind of the afternoon…
Party Tent |
It’s 7:30 here… supper is cooking on a number of different bbq’s and stoves mixing with the other scents of the evening. Children are playing in the field as people arrive and set up their tents and trailers and there is joy in the air.
I keep hearing the word ‘epic’. It’s going to be an epic wedding… and epic party… it will be epic – cause love is present and being shared… on the Sabbath Road…
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