GC 41 (Day 3) Review Everything...
I have connected with so many who have reminded me how long I have been part of this Church: Moderators who I inspired me at Youth Forum, fellow clergy with whom I have studied and served, lay folk who were part of Presbyteries where I have served, clergy who were interns with me, Ministry Personnel who have followed me in Pastoral Charges I have left... including Larry Burton, present minister at John Wesley United Church... these kinds of encounters lead you to places of deep reflection - and to realize that as I have evolved and grown so has the Church.
Review everything.
At the end of a long day I had yet another experience that leads me to say with even more conviction that it is time to REVIEW EVERYTHING... I sat in a local pub and toasted the birthday of a friend (Shawn Redden) with whom I attended theological college. I sat with her daughter (Breanna Redden-Kelly)... I had held this young woman Breanna in my arms in the Manse in Acme, AB and rocked her to sleep - and now as a young adult she is a Commissioner to the this 41st General Council. Times have changed.
While I am a member of the below average group (order of ministry folk in the United Church who are under average age of United Church ministry personnel - 57 years old) the world is different. I am different. The Church is different. It is time to look at how we do things in a comprehensive way and make changes that better serve the world we live in and the structures and procedures that enable our shared ministry.
Perhaps with such a review and with a vision that unites us once again to the source of our being we will be in a better place to live out the words of a hymn that so moved me this morning during our morning gathering time. I do not know the title or author, I missed that, but I did get these words:
May we rise with all Creation
as the Spirit gives us strength
May we heed the inner wisdom
that God's loving knows no length
May we be a faith filled people
living out compassions way
May we find the heartfelt courage
to embrace the dawning day
R: May we rise... (sorry for the large video file...)
If anyone knows the composer/author and/or where to find it please send me an email!
On the Sabbath Road... now off to bed in preparation for a day of meeting in Commission...
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