Corner Brook to Flat Bay with White Smoke Upon Arrival...

By noon time it was time to move on... the presentations were engaging and deeply meaningful but I had accomplished what I set out to do: have conversations with senior executives, make connections with potential chaplains and reconnect with colleagues from across the country.

As I was walking out the building Commissioners were heading toward the ballot boxes for the second time to choose a new Moderator...

Why do the direct route when there is a curvy option?

And the day was spent riding in the light drizzle trying to enjoy the scenery through the drops...

It was only after arriving in Flat Bay, NL and sharing supper with my hosts that I learned that Jordan Cantwell had been selected as the new Moderator.  I had a delightful conversation with Jordan on Wednesday afternoon reminiscing about Augustine United Church and its Oak Table and the many individuals who found warmth and acceptance there - including me - as an intern during the summer of 1989.  Jordan also served there and we shared relationships with a few folk in common.  I have every expectation that she will have much to offer the Church.  Congratulations!

Tomorrow I turn eastward and head inland toward Buchans and points beyond.  Not sure how far I'll get... but I hope to be closer to St John's by Friday night with Saturday to make it the rest of the way...

... On the Sabbath Road...


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