(Day 19) On covenants and being Canadian...
I have some time this morning so I will offer an entry now and then enjoy the rest of Canada Day and the long weekend, only to post again on the evening of the 4th which will be the eve of my departure.
Last night saw us gather as Chaplaincy community to install Rick Burk to the position of Director General, Chaplaincy Branch, receive the work of the declaration committee and officially end the CSC stream of this event.
The service was over two hours long and in my humble opinion tried to do a few too many things in the time allotted. The trio of musicians really added to the service and it was encouraging to see so many chaplains recognized for their years of service by the IFC. I stumbled a bit over the liturgical appropriateness of an installation service when Rick was selected according to the Human Resources policies and procedures of the Civil Service... but that's just my stuff. The words of Covenant offered by Rick were encouraging and will offer a challenge to us all as we continue this ministry that is ours together.
It was so uplifting to stand shoulder to shoulder and share songs of the Christian faith and be joined in community by persons from other faith traditions that make up this wonderful cultural and religious mosaic that is Canadian society.
This morning there is a plenary session followed by lunch and workshops in the afternoon. This evening, Pierre Allard, former Chaplain General of CSC will address the Convocation in a plenary session.
Tomorrow I will take the afternoon off and go to a Blue Jays game, come back and pack that evening in preparation for my return home on Sunday morning.
Happy Canada Day!!!
until July 4th... on the Sabbath Road...
Last night saw us gather as Chaplaincy community to install Rick Burk to the position of Director General, Chaplaincy Branch, receive the work of the declaration committee and officially end the CSC stream of this event.
It was so uplifting to stand shoulder to shoulder and share songs of the Christian faith and be joined in community by persons from other faith traditions that make up this wonderful cultural and religious mosaic that is Canadian society.
This morning there is a plenary session followed by lunch and workshops in the afternoon. This evening, Pierre Allard, former Chaplain General of CSC will address the Convocation in a plenary session.
Tomorrow I will take the afternoon off and go to a Blue Jays game, come back and pack that evening in preparation for my return home on Sunday morning.
Happy Canada Day!!!
until July 4th... on the Sabbath Road...
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