(Day 28) On changing plans...

Another early morning.  Up at 5:30AM and after a quick coffee it was off in the rain to do south of Superior.  I was planning to go the northern route but there was a chance of a storm and odds were better in missing it if I went south... so, into the good ole US of A we go...

South on Interstate 75 a zig and a zag and I was on Michigan 28 rolling through the Hiawatha National  Forest and on along the shore of Lake Superior to Marquette.

It was here that I met Aaron and his family at the McDonald's.  We had a great chat about getting to know your neighbours, the hospitality of strangers and of couse... motorcycles!  Enjoy those littles one Aaron and soon you can take off on an adventure of your own again!!

It was a long day.  A few little sprinkles of rain and hot!!

Just over 689 KM and here I sit in the McDonald's in Superior, Wisconsin updating the blog and trying to decided where to go for a campground for the night.  Decisions.  What to do?

Nothing is jumping out at me on the Internet... maybe I'll just head out on the road I plan to take in the morning and see what appeals to me...

Now that sounds like a plan!


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