(Day 42) On being... and enjoying where I'm at...

This morning (Sunday July 24th) I plan to just "enjoy where I'm at".

I didn't get up until 7AM.  First time I have slept past 5AM since being on the road.  It felt good.  As planned last night, the two other guest met me (Cindy and Gail) and we made our way to the dinning hall where a continental breakfast was served.  I could have delayed and went for the full breakfast at 10AM... but it seemed to fit with my routine at home.  Toast and coffee.

I have just spent the last two and half hours updating the blog with thoughts and pictures and with this entry I am done for now.  Off to read a book, maybe take a walk, have a nap, do some writing... just "enjoy where I'm at".

Perhaps I'll take some pictures while I am out on my walk and share them this evening.  Until then... on the Sabbath Road...


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