(Day 38) A day of reflection and reorganization...

With another sunrise (I am sure it rose - we just didn't see it!) I was up and ready to go by 5 AM.  Dwight and Faith were up soon after and found me on the deck scribbling away in my notebook.  Faith set a beautiful breakfast of fruit, yogurt and toast coffee before us and by 6 AM we were on our way to the ferry.

The journey across the bay was as subdued as the weather.  Not as many people on the boat, no energy or excitement - it was mostly people heading off to work.  Dwight and I talk for a while then I went and called Justin.  It was good to speak with him.  This conversation and the last are two of the longer conversations I have had with him of late... there is hope!!  Thanks Justin!  It means a lot!!  In his sermon on Sunday past, Paul shared a quote from Mark Twain... something like, "When I was 17 my father knew nothing.  When I turned 27 I was amazed at how much my father had learned in 10 years..!"

Arriving back in Fort Langley, Dwight headed off to work and I set down to the task of putting thoughts and reflections to paper and updating the blog.  By 1 PM I was done and I was starved and I had a craving: Pad Thai.

Being in an urban centre is so neat!  There is this website called UrbanSpoon where you can search restaurants and read reviews.  Ban Chok Dee Thai Cuisine had some good reviews and it wasn't far away at all!  It was awesome.  I had the $8 lunch special: soup, springroll and pad thai with prawns!  Based on the reviews I asked for mild and it was perfect for me.  Total cost with tax $10.06 plus a tip.  McDonald's couldn't touch it!!!

With my belly full I set off back to Fort Langley for a walk about and a visit with a friend of a friend who suggested that I stop by and say hello.

Deb is a friend of Robyn who is the wife of the Executive Secretary of Maritime Conference.  Deb and Robyn are both in pastoral ministry and their paths crossed a number of years ago.  Deb is at Fort Langley United and Robin is at Wolfville Pastoral Charge.  I had called Deb and invited her to join me for lunch but she could not get away so I stopped in.  What a great visit we had.  Its amazing what two United Church clergy who have never met have in common and who they know in common!  We had lots to talk about and an hour passed pretty quickly.  Before I left I had to get a picture of Deb to prove to Robyn that we had in fact connected!!.

A walk through Fort Langley brought me to the post office where I put some post cards in the mail.  Everywhere I went people kind of looked at me... and then looked again.... and then I saw myself in the mirror of a store front... the neon green jacket does kind of attract attention!

Back to Dwight and Faith's home I sorted out some of my stuff and rearranged things to condense them a bit and then as I replied to, and sorted some emails related to my work with IPCA I opened the bottle of ale that Faith had gotten for me: A Wee Angry Scotch Ale (only 6.5% alcohol for those of you paying attention to such things).  It seemed appropriate: scotch ale, in BC doing work for an International organization...  Best way I can describe it is a wee bit chocolatey with a dark heavy malty body.  Very nice!! Thanks Faith!!

Dwight just let me know he will be back at 6 PM and we will head off for supper.  Tomorrow will be a full day at Mountain and Kent Institutions and Friday I head south to Oregon where plans are finalized for visiting two institutions, the Department of Corrections Headquarters and hopefully one or two community ministeries.

...on the Sabbath Road...


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